“At the end of the day, it is their piece, and we want to make sure that they feel most comfortable with what they want performed,” slam poetry team co-president and communications senior Julia Smerling said. “We’re just there to give them the support they need, as well as give them any help and assistance that can benefit them.”

“Everyone on the team is friends with one another, and we’re all so passionate about what we do that you can really feel it in the room,” communications junior and vice president of the team Eduardo Culmer said. “It’s tangible. I’ve gotten my poems and writing and films workshopped by a lot of other people, but slam is definitely where I receive the most artful and passionate feedback.”
“I remember the last competition, I was beyond terrified,” Smerling said. “I have terrible stage fright, (but) I remember when I went to go perform, not just our team was cheering me on, but all the other teams from all the other schools were.”

“My favorite part of the team is probably us all talking about current events, discussing anything, so that we could get inspirations for our poems,” communications freshman Karmiah Smith said.
“Slam poetry allowed me to realize that I am a human being, I’ve been through things, and it is totally okay for me to express that,” Smerling said. “It gives me a platform and a community of people who are so accepting and kind who make me feel comfortable expressing myself through my artwork.”