As January came to an end, many lonely hearts prepared for the harsh slap of isolation that February brings. Valentine’s Day, a national holiday started in the 5th Century, annually brings chocolate or tears, depending on one’s relationship status. The holiday, named after St. Valentine, became a way to celebrate love through the exchange of cards, flowers, and a personal favorite of most: chocolate. With billions of people in the world, however, not everyone can find the love that this holiday celebrates, resulting in two types of people: A and B. For type A people, blast the “Soulmates Soirée” playlist with that special someone as you smell the freshly cut roses they bought you. Type B people can grab tissues and the chocolate you bought for yourself while the “Me, Myself, and I” playlist guides you through the tragedy known as Valentine’s Day.
Soulmates Soirée
Me, Myself, and I