As the school year begins, the spotlight shifts to a new face in the vocal and theatre departments: school counselor Cristelina Milan. With her arrival, Ms. Milan brings a new perspective shaped by a diverse career path and a passion for fostering artistic growth.
Ms. Milan started her career in the business sector and later transitioned into education. Her first teaching job was at a high school as a Spanish teacher.
“During my time as a Spanish teacher, I felt that I could be more helpful to my students in high school counseling, so I went ahead and got my master’s in counseling,” Ms. Milan said.
Ms. Milan also worked as the magnet coordinator at Lakewood Middle School, overseeing the pre-engineering and biomedical program. Although this job was not directly related to the arts, she looked back at her time in that role as an essential building block in her career.
“I’ve only been here for three weeks, and I believe that the experience that I gained at Lakewood Middle School supports me in supporting our students here at Dreyfoos,” Ms. Milan said.
A turning point for Ms. Milan came last year when she realized the need to transition from a middle school environment to a high school setting.
“It was a change of administration, and [it was] just time for me to go,” Ms. Milan said. “I’ve always dreamed of working at a high school. I just never thought I’d get so lucky to [come] to Dreyfoos.”

Ms. Milan’s approach to her position emphasized hands-on interactions with students. Despite the demands of administrative tasks, she said she aimed to immerse herself directly with the students she counsels.
“What I’d really like to bring more to the department, that there isn’t, is more connection,” Ms. Milan said. “I want to be more engaging, and in order to do that, I think I’m going to have to participate more because I want to have an individualized relationship with students when possible.”
However, Ms. Milan anticipated challenges, particularly due to the high volume of communication with parents and students and understanding Dreyfoos procedures.
Despite these challenges, her goal remained clear: to further familiarize herself with counseling and supporting students, particularly upperclassmen ready to take the next step.
“My number one goal would be to definitely get acclimated with all of the processes of the college process for students and learn what it entails for them,” Ms. Milan said. “I’m looking forward to doing and learning everything.”
As she settled into her new role, Ms. Milan remained focused on making a positive impact. One of her visions for the future included equally celebrating the accomplishments of all students.
“I’m here to learn about all the arts of the school,” Ms. Milan said. “I don’t see myself just with this one set of art.”
With years of experience and a focus on supporting students, Ms. Milan encouraged them to explore and express their creativity.
“Wherever [students] go, they need to go stir the magic,” Ms. Milan said. “They’re magical. I love that.”