It’s 3 a.m., and you can’t sleep. You check your email and the slew of online shopping websites “bing” into your inbox. The temptation to add every item to your cart is unbearable.
Saving gas, web exclusives and subscriber discounts are just same of the online shopping perks. Anyone who has shopped online knows the feeling of disappointment when receiving the wrong size, or finding out one store’s version of the color eggplant is really a dark red. As the vast majority of students are becoming fashion obsessed and borderline addicted to online shopping, they are starting to realize there are failures and successes that come with it.
Browsing through stylish clothing websites, being able to save your shopping cart and having the items shipped directly to you makes online shopping a trifecta of convenience. Stores even have a better return policy online; for example, Forever 21 doesn’t allow returns for a refund in store but does for an online purchase, They also carry their men’s line on the web and only in select locations in stores.
“Certain brands are easier to buy online especially because a lot of stores are not in South Florida,” strings major Mateo Dorado said.
The idea of being able to browse a plethora of websites that appeal to you and your personal style is what makes the online shopping experience unique. There isn’t a limit on how many stores you can visit, plus it’s easier to sort through the merchandise. In a store, finger spacing through racks can get exhausting and become a huge inconvenience, especially when the store is messy.
“Bloomingdales is definitely my favorite website to shop on because it is super easy to navigate and lets you narrow down your options by brand, size, etc,” visual major Megan Luchey said.
As for the not-so-glamorous side of online shopping, there are always compromises. If the item is final sale, you have to decide whether or not to cash it out since you can’t try it on. If it doesn’t fit, you can always sell it. When you’re online shopping, you don’t pay attention to how much you’re spending, you just add it to the cart, so be more aware and always look for those coupons and discount codes.
Like shopping in real life, you need to watch out for unnecessary spending. It’s so easy to type in your information and forget about the cost, but it’s okay to shop online every once in a while. By all means, reward yourself. Aced your advanced French final? Go ahead and press “place order.”