It was a rainy evening on Saturday, Feb. 6, and there was no sign of a gathering of the Return of Kings, a men’s rights activist group at the Clematis Street water fountain, which was supposed to be one of 165 meeting locations across the world.
The world wide gatherings were orchestrated by the group’s leader, Daryush “Roosh” Valizadeh, a blogger and self-described neo-masculinist, who is known for a post he made on his Return Of Kings website last year, writing that rape should be legalized on private property, as it would serve as a “learning experience.” Valizadeh later claimed the post to be a joke.
After public backlash, including an all-female Canadian boxing team called the “Toronto Newsgirls” threatening to crash one of the rallies in Toronto, on Feb. 3 Valizadeh cancelled all Return of Kings gatherings that had been scheduled for Feb. 6.
“I can no longer guarantee the safety or privacy of the men who want to attend on February 6,” according to Valizadeh’s blog Roosh V. “While I can’t stop men who want to continue meeting in private groups, there will be no official Return Of Kings meet-ups.”
According to the Huffington Post, Valizadeh has made recent posts that only “heterosexual, masculine men” were welcome to the now-canceled meetings, and that the meets were not meant for men to come together to rape women, but to gather like-minded individuals to discuss common interests.
“Where did this worldwide mob get the idea that we are meeting to discuss rape tactics?” Valizadeh wrote in Roosh V forum, according to Newsweek. “Dozens of reporters have now lied about all of us being ‘pro rape’.”
However the same night the Return of Kings gathering was scheduled for, another group marched on Clematis Street protesting the meeting. Some of the protestors were self-described communists, holding up signs that read “Reds against rapists.” Reds is a derogatory term for communists.
“We are an alliance of anarchists and communists and any other people with any shred of basic human decency,” Henry, an anti Return of Kings protester said. “We have come out here today to protest the disgusting actions and stances of Roosh V and the Return Of Kings.”
Police activity was high at the Clematis Street water fountain at 8 p.m. on Wednesday Feb. 3, the same night that Valizadeh cancelled the meetings, with several police cars surrounding the fountain.
“Officers responded to the area after receiving intelligence that the meeting was moved,” Public Information Officer and detective Lori colombino said. “There was no additional police action taken.”