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Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts | 501 S. Sapodilla Ave, WPB, FL 33401


  • Boys Volleyball Away at 6:00p.m.: March. 7
  • College Fair at 4:00p.m. in the Gym: March.7
  • Figure of Speech at 6:00p.m. in the Black Box: March.6
  • Orchestra Concert at 7:00p.m. in Meyer Hall: March. 6
  • Tennis March at 4:00p.m.: March. 6
  • Boys Volleyball Away at 6:00p.m.: March. 5
Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts | 501 S. Sapodilla Ave, WPB, FL 33401


Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts | 501 S. Sapodilla Ave, WPB, FL 33401


Rebecca Cross

Rebecca Cross, Writer

Rebecca Cross is a first-year staffer and coverage staffer on The Muse. When Rebecca is not busy working on The Muse, she reads, works on her films and works on her creative writing. Rebecca loves filmmaking and chemistry, and she works to improve within these fields as much as she can. She also loves to garden, play video games, listen to music, and spend time with friends and family. Rebecca is excited to contribute to The Muse during this school year and the remaining school years to come.

All content by Rebecca Cross
Performing her latest Oral Interpretation piece, “Tell-Tale Heart,” communications sophomore Olivia Kahn recites the introductory paragraph to her piece. Special rules allow Oral Interpretation performers to use a black binder during their performances, a feature special to this event.

An Open Forum

Rebecca Cross, Writer
October 25, 2023
Arroz con Leche is a Latin American dessert. The name directly translates to “rice with milk,” which is based on the two main ingredients.

Memories of Fall Flavors

Rebecca Cross, Writer
October 23, 2023
In the back of social studies teacher Jeffrey Stohr’s room, established books are lined up along a bookshelf, awaiting use. Along with other textbooks and language arts books, these history books also require vetting before being shown to students. “What we're teaching is history. It’s facts,” Stohr said. “We're not dealing with theories here. (Book vetting) is just so frustrating.”

Learning On Hold

Rebecca Cross, Writer
September 13, 2023
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