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Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts | 501 S. Sapodilla Ave, WPB, FL 33401


  • NO SCHOOL: Feb. 24
  • Metamorphoses Opening Night at 6:30 p.m. in Myer Hall: Feb. 21
  • Spanish Honor Society Induction Ceremony During Lunch: Feb. 21
  • Metamorphoses - Spring Play Preview at 6:30 p.m.: Feb. 20
  • Tennis Match at 4:00 p.m.: Feb. 20
  • Track Meet at 4:00 p.m.: Feb. 20
  • Piano K2 Recital at 6:00 p.m. in the Black Box: Feb. 19
  • SAC meeting at 5:30 p.m.: Feb. 18
  • Tennis Match at 4:00 p.m.: Feb. 18
Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts | 501 S. Sapodilla Ave, WPB, FL 33401


Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts | 501 S. Sapodilla Ave, WPB, FL 33401


Ruby Rosenthal

Ruby Rosenthal, Editor-In-Chief

Ruby Rosenthal is a third-year staffer and co-Editor-in-Chief of The Muse. She’s obsessed with learning new things, whether it be through reading articles in her favorite publications or dropping everything at 7:30 to watch Jeopardy on weeknights. If she had ample free time, she’d probably be reading, but for now, her spare hours are spent studying for too many AP classes for her own good. She is unsure what the future holds, but she hopes to work in a field that gives her the opportunity to give people a voice whose voices usually go unheard. Rosenthal hopes to attend college up north, where there are four seasons a year.

All content by Ruby Rosenthal
Digital junior Ethan Blanc bobs for apples during the Fall Festival on Oct. 31 in the Bobbing for Apples Relay. The sophomore class ultimately won the relay.

Fall Festival

Ruby Rosenthal, Entertainment Editor
October 31, 2016
Communications junior Ruby Rosenthal (right) sits with her grandmother and family friends in Çeşme, Turkey in June 2007. Rosenthal has been visiting Turkey since 2001, and was granted a dual citizenship in the same year.

A Cultural Coexistence

Ruby Rosenthal, Entertainment Editor
October 10, 2016
Participating coffeehouse locations across America open their doors as Luke’s Diner on Oct. 5 for Gilmore Girls fans to indulge in coffee and bakery items.

Students drink coffee like a Gilmore Girl

Ruby Rosenthal, Entertainment Editor
October 5, 2016
Posing for a photo, theater juniors (L-R) Skyler Sajewski, Aleah Beche, and Zoey Burger celebrate their induction into the National Honor Society on Sept. 30.

National Honor Society Inductions

Ruby Rosenthal, Entertainment Editor
September 30, 2016
Finding the Difference

Finding the Difference

Ruby Rosenthal, Entertainment Editor
July 19, 2016
The Hoover Tower at Stanford University. Stanford is the location where NBTB 2016 was held.

Summer at Stanford

Ruby Rosenthal, Entertainment Editor
July 11, 2016
Communications junior Ruby Rosenthal and her family have a beach picnic to celebrate their Fourth of July.

Fourth of July Festivities

Ruby Rosenthal, Entertainment Editor
July 6, 2016
Before they got to work, on their first day of their trip, 2016 Project Tikvah attendees took a tour of historic Fort Sumter.

Trip Summary: Taking on Charleston

Ruby Rosenthal, Entertainment Editor
June 21, 2016
The World According to Ruby

The World According to Ruby

Ruby Rosenthal, Entertainment Editor
June 7, 2016
Entertainment this summer

Entertainment this summer

Ruby Rosenthal, Entertainment Editor
June 4, 2016
Theatre senior Zachary Biggins hugs theatre dean Bruce Linser after presenting him with a gift. It is both Biggins and Linser’s last year at Dreyfoos, with Biggins going to Carnegie Mellon University and Linser leaving to work at Florida Atlantic University (FAU).

Closing Show

Ruby Rosenthal, Entertainment Editor
May 3, 2016
Ignoring Islamaphobia

Ignoring Islamaphobia

Ruby Rosenthal, Entertainment Editor
April 25, 2016
Communications junior Daniel Montoya (L-R), communications junior Daniel Kaufman, and visual junior Bjorn Corning perform in the junior Powderpuff cheer routine.

Spirit Week Day 4: Celebrity Day

Ruby Rosenthal, Entertainment Staffer
January 28, 2016
Kevonna Takes Carnegie Hall

Kevonna Takes Carnegie Hall

Ruby Rosenthal, Entertainment Staffer
January 12, 2016
Communications artist in residence Evan Decarmine has had a passion for film since middle school.

Decarmine Takes Dreyfoos

Ruby Rosenthal, Arts Staffer
October 30, 2015
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