With the first few days of summer already in the books, students and teachers are finding ways to relax and enjoy themselves during their vacation. During these hot florida summers, people usually stick to going to the beach, swimming, or finding an indoor sport to play. However, an underrated alternative and simple sport that can satisfy the need for fun during these summer days is chess.
While many stress the need to get outside during the summer, playing chess is easy and accessible. Chess boards can be brought to the beach, on a road trip, or even on a plane. For those who desire competition and have a particular drive to win, playing chess exemplifies all that and more. Chess allows you to relax while playing someone 1 on 1. Each move is critical and single mistake could be fatal in your match.
The rules behind chess are simple.The two players are given multiple pieces each with a different purpose and how far they can move. For instance, as a strategy, one may sacrifice a pawn to conquer a more important piece like a queen or bishop. There are multiple pawns on the board, and they can only move one spot at a time, so losing one isn’t a big deal. Thinking moves ahead is what makes the game so intricate.
Along with its strategic value, the accessibility of chess is what makes it such a great summer sport. You can be on the computer, phone, or tablet and still enjoy an intense match with someone. It’s the competitive spirit behind chess that makes it such a great sport. It doesn’t require athleticism, speed, or height. Strictly knowledge and strategy are the two main aspects of chess.
Summer will be over before too long, so while lying on the beach, or just relaxing at home, give chess a try.