Bending their backs to get under a Limbo pole, shouting at board games around tables, and dancing to RNB and pop hits, Black Student Union members and other students celebrated the third day of BSU Spirit Week with Game Day. The event took place in the Media Center during lunch on Wednesday, Feb. 8, and it allowed members of BSU to build bonds with each other and celebrate their culture.

(Caitlin Villacrusis )
“I like how all of us come together,” strings sophomore Christian Onyewumbu said. “I get to see everybody smiling. Everybody’s playing games. Everybody’s happy. It’s like when you’re with your Black family, and you’re outside on the lawn cooking it up.”
“I really am loving all the energy that everyone’s giving out today,” BSU co-historian and communications junior Faustina Duvigneaud said. “Plus, I’m about to go play some games and hopefully win, so I’m really having fun.”

(Caitlin Villacrusis )
“This is fun for me because of the energy everyone brings and their excitement, especially playing these little board games with their competitive spirit,” band junior Amedstone Plaisir said.
“My favorite part (of Game Day) is being able to hang out with all these beautiful people and have fun with all of them,” vocal freshman Daniel Jones said. “We get to honor all the Black people and have fun and be ourselves.”

(Caitlin Villacrusis )
“My favorite part of today was the Limbo,” visual sophomore Taniyah Aris said. “That was a lot of fun. We were getting hyped up and listening to music and trying to pass a Limbo line.”
“Today’s important in the sense that we can come together and have unity,” Aris said. “Honestly, we don’t get this much of a chance to have fun during school, so when we do get a chance to unite and do all the things we want to, it’s great.”
“I think the meaning of today is to get people together and have fun, be yourself, and to enjoy being Black,” theatre freshman Kevontay Oliver said.

(Caitlin Villacrusis )