From the moment the classic hits of Johnny Cash reverberated through the gym to stomps of the seniors’ rendition of “We Will Rock You” by Queen, the student body was on their feet. The first ever Battle of the Bands took place on Spirit Week’s Music Genre Day during lunch. Here are some of the most electrifying moments from the event.
Holding his guitar, piano senior Brandon Budzinski sings the chorus for “We Will Rock You” by Queen. The seniors’ setlist was based on the rock and roll music genre.
Prepping the amplifiers before the sophomore techno pop group, visual sophomore Noah Noonan helps set up while the student body files into the bleachers.
As her voice echoes through the mic, vocal senior Amelia Williams yells into the mic during the seniors’ Battle of the Bands performance. Williams and the rest of the senior band won the Battle of the Bands for their grade, earning a boost in Spirit Week points before Thursday’s pep rally.
Readying the junior class for their band’s performance, SGA co-president and strings senior Sofia Plaza receives an excited response for the incoming indie/alternative performance.
Gesturing towards the seniors prior to his keyboard solo, piano senior Joshua Lumaban hypes up the crowd moments before the band plays.
Amping up to see her grade’s band play, theatre senior Gabriela Carr shouts for the Class of 2023’s rock rendition of “Alla Turca’s Piano Sonata No. 11 III.”